Sophie ; Hello, my name is Sophie. I life with my parents and 2 brothers and a dog in Groningen. I'm 16 years old and i play field hockey and piano.
Kiki : Hi, my name is Kiki. I life with my mom in Groningen. My parents are divorced and with my dad i have a brother and a sisterand a dog. I'm 16 years old. I also play field hockey and piano for about 10 years both and i sing.
Answers :
1. We ( Sophie and Kiki ) know the hole stroy about her.We did'nt read it jet, we don't have to read the book in school.
2. No we didn't, we want to but is always so busy
3. Yes, if were are working at de WOII period with history, but not daily. Sure we al know her and her story.
1. Not they don't talk it, the one who have exprienced the war dont really want to talk about beacause it is a dark place in there history. We leared a lot about the holocaust at school but we did'nt learn all of the ins and outs. Kiki : I know a lot from it, more than we learned at school. Sophie : The most things i know about the holocaust is what i've seen in films or read in books.
2. None, it's a big part of our history but it is not effecting our lifes. It is probably differend if the holocaust wasn't there but we are used to the way it is now, we don't know the differends.
3. Everyone is one minute silent for the one's who where killed in the holocaust ( the 4the of may ) and at libery day we have a big festival ( 5th of may ). We dont know what the Allie forced is.
4. We dont know the exact number, we do know the that dutch had a big resistance. Yes, there is a very good book about it, called Sonny boy. It's about a black guy from surinam who came to the Netherlands to studie, he was a very good swimmer. But in the time he arrived in the netherlands the war came. A white woman took him in here house and fall in love with him, it was forbidden. She got a baby with him called Sunny boy. The german discoverd them and took them away and but the black guy on an ship. He escaped and swom back, he survived but we he was at the coast a got shot. It is a story base on a true story. The kid sunny boy found out what happend to his parents.
5. No we didn't know about it
1. Normal, not every german is bad and thinks the way Hitler did. But sure there are some things we don't like about the german for example they always speak german to you and most of the time that is not polite.
2. Yes ther are stereotypes, but that is logic. Of the german who drink a lot of beer etc. We dont thing thay german is not to call nagitive names probably more 'Nazi'
1. Yes, we know a few people and probably yes but we dont really know for sure.
2. Yes we do but not every one know the meaning of it.
3.Yes and yes there is but we don't think they deliberately link in to the holocaust
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